We are so excited to announce that we are expecting our 2nd child! We have spent years talking about and wanting to have another one and we are finally here! I am just starting the 8th week with a fair amount of nausea...yay! Ugh! So far, it's bearable, but no fun. Everyone's reactions have been amazing...it seems like all of our family and friends are so excited! The baby is due December 5th of this year and I am soooo hoping I can get close to that date with no complications. I'm looking forward to having a big baby bump this time. Aidan is just over the moon, as she has been begging for a baby brother/sister for years. This was number one on her Christmas list this past holiday. She has been diapering every stuffed animal she has....if you know about her stuffed animal obsession, you can imagine what a sight this is. Troy is very excited as well and is actively preparing for the nursery remodel (as if we didn't have enough projects already, right?).
The first positive test-March 26, 2010 (Faint, faint, faint positive line) :)
The 2nd positive test-March 29, 2010 (A little more convincing)
We are so so so happy for you guys! I can't wait to see you with a baby bump!!! We love (and miss)you guys so much! I hope your nausea isn't too bad. Remember...McDonald's french fries. They always did the trick for me! You need to put some doggy turds in those diapers and then see how much Aidan likes changing 'em. lol Can't wait to see all of you. We were just talking about it today with Carrie!
Congratulations on the little baby!!!! Ohhhhhhh!
YAY A new baby! We are so excited for you ALL! This baby is so so loved by so many already, I can't wait to see big sister Aidan helping take care of her new little sister or brother, how sweet! I agree with Kim...put some real poop in those diapers and see how much she likes changing diapers then! LOL Surprise her sometime...and record it so we can see her face!
We love you guys and miss you so much!!
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