It's all over the news, Internet, PTO meetings across the state so I guess I should put my two-cents in on the Swine Flu, excuse me, the H1N1 Flu. Thank goodness, Aidan's school has not had a case, or even a suspected case of this flu, because they would have to shut down like the many other school districts nearby have done. We have all upped our hand washing and improved our hand washing technique. My hands are so dry and I'm running out of hand lotion, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I've bleached the kitchen and bathroom sinks, faucets, counter tops, door handles...well pretty much everything. Saturday, I even cleaned the kitchen cabinets top to bottom. You know, you never truly realize how much gunk are on those things until you sit on the floor and start scrubbing...yuck! Anyway, a bunch of school districts around here are shut down at least through the end of this week, including Fort Worth, which has around 80,000 students.
Can you imagine? People are really freaking out and with good cause. I'm sure if they didn't close the schools, there would be tons of people coming down with this illness. Luckily though, it seems the symptoms are no worse than the seasonal flu...but who knows how this will play out. You know, one of my brother, Jeremy's, good friends died from the flu when he was only 19-years-old, so we get our flu shots and we go to the doctor if we suspect we have the flu...for sure!
They have been cancelling lots of events including Aidan's soccer games, practices, theater class, field trips, etc. I have to admit, going to Wal-Mart has been a little oogy for me. "Oogy" is a word we learned from our good friend and police Sergeant, Matt...haha, it was too funny a word to let go by the wayside. What I'm saying is that it gave me the heeby jeebies, but the workers were wiping the shopping carts down with bleach wipes, so I felt a little bit better about being there.
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