Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh Tegra, Where Are You?

We woke up yesterday to find that Tegra was missing. We searched and searched for her thinking that she was under the storage building, but she is nowhere to be found. The other dogs are here and we cannot figure out how she got out of the yard. It is just devastating. We've posted some signs, called animal control, and I think I might put a notice in the newspaper. She will turn 15 next month (April) and we are all just heart-broken. Tegra, please come home.
We love you, girl!


Melissa said...

Where can she be??? Poor thing - I'm sorry you guys can't find her! I hope nothing has happened. Maybe she just got curious and wondered off...I'll pray she's back soon. :) She was always such a sweet girl, I loved it when she cuddled with me at bedtime when I house-sat for you guys!

Kimberly said...

ALRIGHT!!!! I was so happy to hear that Tegra had been found! I'm sure she's probably enjoying a very spoiled ride home right now.
She's a real piece of work, that Tegra! She's indestructable!!!
Now, tell Troy to stop using Tegra as an excuse for crying like a baby. He was probably watching My Girl or Steel Magnolias...or Golden Girls.