So, some of you know that Aidan has done competitive jump rope on and off since 1st grade. Well, this was her first year back and on Saturday, April 9th, she competed in the USA Jump Rope Region 5 Regional Competition. She ended up qualifying for NATIONALS in double dutch freestyle and double dutch freestyle pairs. We're so proud of her! We will be making the trip to Galveston for Nationals at the end of June! Go ZZ Skippers!!!
Spring Break started off with our Houston trip for Aidan to test for Black Belt. A few days later, I talked to Lisa (my aunt, for those who don't know), and we decided to make a last-minute trip up to Kansas to see her and the kids. John was on an away trip with Sporting KC....we were sorry that we missed him, but we did get to watch the game on t.v. and they showed several shots of John coaching on the sideline (very cool!). We had a great time with the kids and they loved all over Cooper (it was their first time to see him). Aidan had a great time with everyone and as usual, I enjoyed lots of talks with Lisa.
March 12, 2011 is the day Aidan earned her 1st Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. We could not be more proud of all her hard work and dedication. Of the 20 students that began when she did, 3 (including Aidan) earned their black belt. Needless to say, it is not an easy task! We headed down to Houston to Master Park's school for her to test in front of the Unified Masters. She was flawless! Great job, babe! Girl loves to stay in a hotel! Before THE belt And After!