Last month we surprised Aidan with her first trip to the one and only Walt Disney World! We woke her up in the middle of the night on January 30th and headed for DFW Airport. She kept asking if we were tricking her, she cried from being confused and half asleep, and finally just decided to go with the flow. I thought, for sure, she'll figure it out once she realizes that we were headed to Orlando; however, not once did anyone ever say "Florida". As we were boarding the plane, she glanced down at her boarding pass which read "Orlando MCO". MCO being the airport code. She looked up at me and said, "We're going to Massachussettes???". I then looked at Troy, then back at Aidan and said, "Yes, Orlando, Massachussettes". Ha Ha! She didn't put it all together until we were walking up to the Disney desk in Orlando. She was so excited and shocked! We all had an amazing time! It really is a magical place!